Stucco 10¼ Build Guide
Case for the QEZ-PCB by Elmo (compatible) and specifically the QEZberry by isp with a high-resolution LED-PCB for RGB
More information at the Stucco 10¼ project page.
Prepare Main-PCB
Solder the hotswap sockets in the appropriate locations (depending on your layout of choice) to the PCB. Be sure to push the soldering iron long enough on the sockets (~2-3s) so the relatively big metal parts heat up and are really joined by the solder. I had a lot of cold solder joints in the first try. But you can always resolder them.
Take care to solder the sockets in the right direction. When they are put in the wrong way, the plastic part in the middle blocks the center-hole for the switch.
Put in the stabilizers (if applicable, up to 2.25u can also be used without stabs), add the plate and sprinkle with the switches.
Add Tape or Alubutyl on the PCB for soundshaping, if you like.
The PCBs come pre-flashed with VIAL-firmware. It is based on the original firmware by isp, but slightly modified for the LED-strip. Also: combos are independent of the layer, so you only have to define them once.
If you still want to flash it for some reason: double-press the Reset-Button on the bottom of the PCB. Or assign Reset to one of the keys with Vial, then press it. An external drive is mounted, just copy the uf2-file on there.
Layout options
The Gaskets have to be put on the plate or the case, doesnt really matter on which. Think about if you have more cases or more PCBs and want to switch them. Then put them on the one you have less of. I put them on my plate.
Just peel off the foil and put them on the gasket-tabs on the plate or between the lines on the case. The Plate has to have gaskets above and below the gasket-tabs, eight in total.
If the gaskets are too big, you can cut them with scissors or a sharp knife after putting them on.
The Stucco case is hold together by magnets. Eight 15x4x4mm magnets are needed in total.
Prepare Magnets
Putting the magnets in the top part
- Take the first magnet and put it in the top piece of the keyboard.
- For this remove the protective layer of the glue.
- You can grab the magnet with a tweezer, your fingers or the blade of the knife you just used. Since they are magnetic, they stick to the blade.
- With the marker-line facing one way (for example down), put the magnet in the appropriate slot.
- All marker-lines on the top part have to be on the same side (either up or down).
- Push the magnet in, so the glue can stick to the backside of the hole in the case.
- Repeat with the three other magnets for the top case.
Putting the magnets in the bottom part
- Do it nearly the same way as with the top part, but make sure the magnets are in the right orientation.
- How? When the top and bottom part are laying in the final orientation (top part not on its head!), then all marker-lines have to be on the same side of the magnet, either top or bottom, on both pieces.
- If you accidentally put one magnet in the wrong orientation, in the bottom part of the case are small holes on the outside, so can easily push them out with something small like a toothpick.
- If the glue tape doenst stick enough anymore, you can put a small drop of super glue in the slot in the case and press the magnet in. But be sure to doublecheck the orientation of the magnet and use only very little glue, it leaves residue on the plastic!
The LED-PCB has a special way to be assembled, together with the diffusor.
For assembly of the LED-PCB into the case follow these steps:
- Remove the protective foil from the diffusor
- Put the diffusor between the PCB-holder-parts. If the diffusor or PCB is bent and not straight anymore, slightly loose the screws, so both are straight, then retighten.
- Slide the package (LED-PCB + holder + diffusor) into the top housing
- There are four little tabs on the inside of the top housing
- Two at the very short sides and two in the middle of the long sides
- You can push the top casing a little apart, so the diffusor snaps under these tabs
- Push the Holders firmly in, so they also snap into the tabs for proper fitting.
The LEDs use a lot of power. If you experience unresponsiveness or weird colors in the LEDs, they draw more power than your USB-host can provide. Try lowering the brightness. In the firmware the maximum brightness of the LEDs is limited so everything works when directly connected via USB-C to a computer. If you use an USB-hub, you might have to lower the brightness even further.
Final Assembly
- Prepare the ezMate cable by removing the label on it. It is pretty big and it is easier to route the cable without it. But be careful to not damage the thin cables.
- Push one side of the cable on the connector on the LED-PCB. Put the top houding upside down on the table for this.
- Now put in the PCB-Plate-assembly with the top housing upside down on the table. This way it is easier to route/see the cable.
- Connect the cable to the connector labeled LED-Strip
- Route the cable so the gaskets are not blocked
- Put on the bottom casing. It should just snap in
- Put on the keycaps
- Profit