These colors are available for 3D-Printing
Black matt
Vertigo Black (Glitter)
Dark Grey
Cool White
Transparent Bottom with RGB, Top grey
Ivory (slightly darker than Elfenbein)
Elfenbein (slightly lighter than Ivory)
Hellfire Red
Olive Green kind of
Melon Yellow
In reality this looks a bit more red/warm/orange than in this picture, bit not too far away.
Deep Purple
Orion Blue
with Glitter
Vertigo Starlight
With Glitter
Saphire Blue
Blue Steel
Kind of Blue
Multicolor Galaxy
This is a filament that changes color over length. I have only very little influence which parts of the print will have which color!
Both parts of the case were printed with the same filament.
Same print, different start of the color change. Please be aware of that.
Additional colors
In addition to these colors I might have other colors as well, feel free to ask, if you have something special in mind. Like:
- gold
- glow in the dark
- …