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Stucco series - the beginning


When I came into the hobby I first did not think I could make and develop my own keyboards. Disassembling and understanding keyboards I slowly built up an understanding for them and Jan (a friend I met by buying something from him) pushed me to first copy a design (Polaris) and then improve on it. Thanks for that! Thats why this really was a collaboration with him. Several ideas came from him or during discussions, engineering and printing was done by me. The first Stucco was the Stucco{15} because this was/is his favourite layout and the start of it all.


The design idea was to use an half-arc from stucco (German: Stuck) used for example on ceilings as a design element. The english word for it sounded nice so the search for a name was over pretty fast. picture of stucco

The naming scheme after the name describes the horizontal size of the layout in (MX-) units. The brackets are either curly when its a rowstagger layout or square when its ortho.

Magnets - how do they work?

Screws always make the underside look punctured. It can be done reasonably well, but disassembly without tools and a clean bottom are nicer. That is why I tried to use magnets. At first they were pretty small and fiddly to assemble, later I used bigger ones which overcame these problems.


Over time different sizes and layouts came into existence with this design. Smaller, bigger, ortho, with Alps and a V4N.


Topic Explanation Link
PCB OpenSource Endeavour by ScatteredDrifter
Case not published
Build Guide Similiar to Stucco 10¼ Stucco 10¼ Build Guide
Mounting Simple Gasket Mount
Date 04/2022
GB never, just build to order

Stucco10 Stucco10 Stucco10 Stucco10 Stucco10 Pictures and black Build by oldman



The Stucco10 existed already and isp had the idea to incorporate some 🌈 RGB in the pen rail. After some iterations with LED-strips I even made a custom LED-PCB with a lot of LEDs and diffusor for maximal smoothness for it. He adapted the QEZ-PCB by elmo to use the rp2040 and added ezMate connectors for the LED-PCB.

Topic Explanation Link
PCB OpenSource QEZberry by isp
Case not published
Build Guide Finished Build Guide
Mounting Simple Gasket Mount
Special Feature Custom LED-PCB with 55 LEDs for smoooth RGB
Date 10/2022
GB Finished 12/2023

Stucco1025 Stucco1025 Stucco1025


Topic Explanation Link
PCB Waffling60 4pplet Shop
Case not published
Mounting Simple Gasket Mount
Special Feature First Board of the Stucco series, developed with Jan
Date 10/2021
GB Finished, 2 rounds 2022

Stucco15 Stucco15 Stucco15 Stucco15 Picture by InfuseQ


Commission with 15 degrees typing angle. Just because.

Stucco{15AEK II}


Boozar wanted a case for the Apple Extended Keyboard II caps and switches. After a little convincing I agreed. The original Apple on the case is so nice. Glad I did this now. Alps are ok but there is no need for me to dig deeper there, modern MX switches are just plain better, sorry.

Found a Custom-PCB by Piefke (also works with AEKISO by 4pplet), so I only needed to adapt the case a little.


Topic Explanation Link
PCB AEKISO by 4pplet 4pplet Shop
Case not published
Build Guide Finished Build Guide
Mounting Simple Gasket Mount
Special Feature Original Apple Logo
GB never, just build to order

Stucco 15 AEK II Stucco 15 AEK II Stucco 15 AEK II Stucco 15 AEK II



Jan wanted an ortho TKL layout. Scatted Drifter was so nice to make us the PCB, I did not yet learn how to do that myself. I prefer 40% layouts but Jan wanted a Numrow. So we settled on a PCB with a breakable bottom row. This way one PCB could be used for both. And the TKL-cluster was full of switches and two encoders, so several combinations incl a Numpad are possible.


Topic Explanation Link
Name 15-10 = 15u minus 10 = 15u TenKeyLess, square brackets mean Ortho
Case not published
PCB OpenSource PCB by Scattered Drifter
Build Guide Finished Build Guide
Mounting Gasket Mount on the short sides of the plate
Special Feature Flexible Mounting, Magnets, 4- and 5-row with one PCB (break-off), idea for the layout by Jan
GB PCBs and cases available

Stucco1510 Stucco1510 Stucco1510 Stucco1510 Stucco1510 Stucco1510 Stucco1510 Stucco1510 Pictures and Orange Build by Jan



I had some PCBs of the Stucco [1510] still laying around, then M4NU (whos favorite layout is the V4N) had the idea to only half-use the existing numrow. Because the name had to have something to do with bigger vehicles, a "Truck-Stucco" was born.


Trucco Pictures and Build by M4NU

Trucco Trucco